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Grampound surgery: results of survey of residents of Grampound with Creed

In late February, I distributed a survey form to every household in the parish of Grampound with Creed, approximately 380 houses.

Thank you to all those who completed the survey: 80 households in total replied.

The almost unanimous response was that closing the surgery at Grampound would be a major blow for local residents and that many of you were particularly concerned about the impact that the closure would have on older residents and those without their own cars.

The results of the survey can be viewed online at Grampound Surgery Survey.

Click on the above link and when you are prompted for a password, enter:


Or, alternatively, you can download a copy of the report: Grampound Surgery survey

I have emailed the doctors at Probus and asked them to defer any consideration of the proposed closure at least for some months until the impact of the Coronavirus emergency is better understood. I am awaiting a reply.

It should be noted that the doctors' proposed change of service will need to be approved by NHS Kernow, the clinical commissioning group responsible for approving their contract with the NHS. As of 7 April, no such application had been made by the doctors.



April 2020

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