Carrick House, Pydar Street, Truro: outline planning application to be considered at Strategic Planning Committee on 4 February Cornwall Council has occupied a large part of the site adjacent to Pydar Street in Truro for many years. The Carrick District Council offices were initially used by Cornwall Council but have now been empty for a few years as the Council relocated across the road into Pydar House. The rest of the site of about 4 hectares comprises car parks, the bowling alley and a few retail units on St Clement Street. The Council has been working on plans for a major redevelopment of the site. Public consultation has been conducted extensively on the potential scheme. The Council has put forward an outline planning application with all matters reserved for up to 320 dwellings, up to 400 student bed spaces, up to 21,000sqm of floor space to include leisure, office, hotel, community, small retail, education/innovation and food and beverage units and associated works. The application details can be viewed on the Planning Portal under reference no. PA20/00963. The application will be considered at the Strategic Planning Committee meeting on 4 February 2021. If the application is approved, the Council will continue with its work on drawing up detailed designs and will put forward to the Cabinet and Full Council in due course a business case for how it will bring the project to fruition.
February 2021