Residents' Survey in Probus, Tregony, Cuby, and Grampound wth Creed Survey forms delivered to all households in the parishes of Probus, Tregony, Cuby and Grampound with Creed in February 2016: total 1950 Forms returned by post 206, completed online 135: total returned 341 equals 17.5%. All survey forms asked questions on the issues of waste collections, library services, adult care, bus services, the newly opened park-and-ride, highways maintenance, the possible review of the areas that councillors cover and their remuneration, central government taxation, climate change, the EU referendum, and refugees. There was a question on speeding in the villages with the question tailored to the specific parishes. The waste collection services scored high satisfaction rates with 95% rating the black bag collections as good and 86% rating the recycling collections as good. About one in four of you use the library service in Truro or St Austell and, of those users, 85% rated the service as good. About 8% of you use the mobile library service and 93% of the users rated it as good. Only about 6% of you have experience of the adult care service and the rating of this is very mixed. With the bus services, more than two out of three of you use the local bus services at least occasionally. Overall, 67% of you rate the service as good. The ratings vary between the villages with, unsurprisingly, Probus, with its 20 minutes frequency service receiving the highest good rating at 72%. The park-and-ride service is used at least occasionally by 40% of you, and 95% of its users rate it as good. With regard to controlling of speed of traffic in the villages: in Probus, 70% of you think that the speed visor on the entrance to the village from the Truro direction is helping to reduce speeds at this part of the 30 mph zone; in Tregony, 38% of you think that the parish council's initiative with the mobile speed visor is helping to reduce speeds – I know that the parish council is working hard to try to improve the effectiveness of this initiative; in Grampound, 82% of you support the parish council's efforts to do something about speeds. Despite the problems with potholes on roads and tight budgets, 64% of you think that, overall, Cormac is doing a reasonable job at maintaining the roads. Thank you to those who pointed out problems with roads in specific areas. I am following up on these with the highways manager. Over the next year or so, there is a going to be a review of the size of the areas that each Cornwall Councillor covers. 73% of you think that the current areas are about right in size, whilst the remainder think that the areas should be larger. 63% of you think that the councillor allowance of £12,250 per annum is about right; 22% think that it should be more; 15% think that it should be less. On government tax, spending and welfare, an overwhelming 95% of you would like to see more taxes collected from multinationals; 41% would like to see increased taxes on larger properties; 41% would like to see spending cut on big projects such as Trident, HS2, new airport runways; 23% support cuts in tax credits paid to families. 55% of you think that the UK government is not doing enough to tackle climate change and 85% of you think that we should be working more closely with other countries on this issue. On the subject of the EU referendum, it is a very mixed picture. 44% of you have not yet made up your minds. Those who have decided are split right down the middle with 27% for staying in, and 27% for leaving. 28% of respondents think that the government should take more refugees from war-torn countries such as Syria or Afghanistan. A similar percentage think that Cornwall Council should do more to help. The responses to individual questions are in the table below. Not everyone gave an answer to every question. Where there were simple yes/no options, the table shows the number of yes and no answers and the percentages are expressed as a percentage of the number of answers to the particular question. Note that, where the questions have a choice of answers and each respondent can tick more than one box, the percentages will add up to more than 100%. |